My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


12 July 2023 Frond Support for short stemmed flowers

Create an all natural fern grid to arrange your flowers for a summer display.

5 July 2023 Latch an imperfect stem support for thin stemmed and heavy design details

Bundle and tie a few stems to create a support for even heavy design details.

28 June 2023 Knot a vine wreath and ripped grass bug net

Simply easy design... with tiny design details to make your summer display unique.

14 June 2023 Fold a crab from grass

A fun coastal touch for your design... a woven crab.

7 June 2023 Peg the heavy details in place with a wedged stem support

Create a support for your floral details by wedging the cut flower stem across the opening of the vase.

31 May 2023 No Mow May Scattered Grass and Erigeron Meadow design

Tape a grid to create a barely there scattered grass display for a cooling summer display.

24 May 2023 Solar Fireflies String Light

Craft fireflies to add to your summer container plants.

24 May 2023 Foxtail wreath frog with a leg in water

Twirl the fern into a wreath so that it can remain hydrated.

17 May 2023 Light Layer float Wisteria flowers

Craft the softest layer of wisteria flowers that neatly float on water.

10 May 2023 Craft a padded wooden Dowel to position a leaf cone into the sharp teeth of a Kenzan

Prevent a leaf from ripping or bruising when positioning it in your design.

3 May 2023 Standing flower stems upright In Perlite

I use perlite to root my cuttings... and to support flower stems in an upright position in designs without using floral foam.

26 April 2023 New growth Spring frog

Willow cutting left in water will root and sprout... perfect for a all natural flower frog to admire as is or to keep long stem flowers upright.