Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Love anchovies cans. And if you fold over the pull tab just so it is perfect for keeping even longer stem flowers upright.
Placing gladiolus stems horizontally so that the stems... disappear.
My summer design strategy: the warmer the weather the deeper the water. A vine frog is just the thing!
Pick away the petals from a few Phalaenopsis orchids to display in a summer grass tunnel design.
Create an all natural fern grid to arrange your flowers for a summer display.
Bundle and tie a few stems to create a support for even heavy design details.
Simply easy design... with tiny design details to make your summer display unique.
Create a support for your floral details by wedging the cut flower stem across the opening of the vase.
Tape a grid to create a barely there scattered grass display for a cooling summer display.