My Creative Workbook
Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
This week's design
... take a moment of reflection as we celebrate 5 years! Happy 5th birthday to my book: The Effortless Floral Craftsman

Create a wire platform to rest the fresh flowers on so that they are hydrated but not submerged in the water below the grass dome.

About My Creative Workbook
The My Creative Workbook website started as just that, a place for me to capture my creative work. Over time talented and like minded designers noticed... and told their friends and they told their friends. The website has grown into a design resource used by flower enthusiasts from all over the world looking for unusual design inspiration and Tutorials. My book, The Effortless Floral Craftsman, a floral crafter's guide to crafting with nature takes the work I share here on my website to the next level. Which is exactly what my book is about, taking your work to the next level!

Mindfully designed to inspire you to say both :"I wish I thought of doing that!" AND "I can totally do that." No need for special vases, equipment or even a huge budget for tons of flowers. Just the mostly plant based, sustainable designs that made my work so widely shared and used by readers.
The kind of innovative yet practical design tips, tricks and techniques you don't even know how ask Google for- you won't find these anywhere else. And if you do, ask, it probably came from here.
Each and every picture taken just so... so that you have the best possible view to follow along or enjoy looking through.
The secret trick to keeping others inspired is keeping yourself inspired first. It's about showing up, sharing the absolute best you possibly can while aiming for nothing less than to inspire, week after week after week, for 737 weeks straight. Not one week missed. No exceptions. No excuses. That is how professionals inspire.
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