Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Curving long and elegantly sweeping purple fountain grass
Create two separate containers to minimize clutter in a light and airy floral display.
Create a bit of a buffer to keep a water tube upright in a light and airy suspended display.
Thorns are a great way to spear (and keep) design details into position.
A quick craft with quaking grass to turn it into dangling droplets.
A larger summer display in a Kenzan
The tiniest twig peg keep the vines from spilling out of the minimal double vase display.
Sharp thorns can be used to keep your floral details in place
Arrange beautiful King Tut sweet pea vines to swirl around a piece of fire wood... with a bit of help from a felting technique
Shady leaf fenestration raft for easy summer designing
Conditioning poppies for floral arrangements.
Lean a large pebble in a display container to keep your summer floral details exactly where you want them.