My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Love Bug

It is February and the month of love. I couldn't resist adding a tiny little love bug to my design

Pine forms the head and body of the love bug.

I used pine as the head and body of my love bug.

Two dried pine needles are the feelers.

Two dried pine needles curl as the feelers.

Balance the love bug on tiny twig legs.

I used hazel to balance my bug on twiggy legs.

Love bug with a pine body, seeded Eucalyptus eyes and a heart shaped rosary vine (ceropegia woodii) body

Next the love bug gets seeded Eucalyptus eyes and a heart shaped rosary vine (ceropegia woodii) body

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


29 September 2011 Twig and skeleton leaf Stick Insect

Made from dried cherry twigs and a skeleton leaf.

5 January 2011 Palm leaf Hopper-flies (grasshoppers and butterflies)

Weave grasshoppers or butterflies (or fireflies) from palm leaves

21 July 2011 Weaving a bird

I wove my bird from shaved wood but you can also use flax, coconut palm (more traditional) or paper or ribbon

Related Designs

1 February 2012 Steeling yourself against stealing creativity

I wrote this article for Wedding Business Success (an online meeting place for the wedding industry) exploring a positive way of looking at creativity and... stealing!

20 January 2016 A lots of stuff and things

Sticks and twigs create a resting spot for palm and rose butterflies

8 February 2017 It could hold

A fragile looking heart made from twigs that can hold a lot of orchids

21 June 2017 Playing Favourites

A quick and easy Kenzan design

31 October 2017 Mr Twig-or-cheat

An extra Almost-a-Design for Halloween this year

14 February 2018 Two Are

Equisetum Valentine's hearts

28 February 2018 March Days

Line up a few frosted twigs to march across a shallow container

31 October 2018 Scary stuff!

My Halloween design... with some scary stuff hidden if you can read between the leaves!

13 February 2019 Pick Love

Craft a willow heart to display 12 red roses to celebrate Valentine's Day.

3 April 2019 Blossoming like a Caterpillar

Crafting caterpillars from blossoms

30 October 2019 There once was a bat called Tequila, a Halloween story

An all plant zero waste, levitating, twig (with just a splatter of autumn leaves, a breath of spiderweb and float of roots) Halloween decoration with an eerie bat skeleton made...

10 February 2021 My valenVine

An... everything is moving... design. The tulips are growing and the small vine filled vase is bopping around in the water. And if you lean them against each other just right it...

15 February 2023 If you frame it that way…

A blossom frame to display the prettiest anthurium of the whole bunch!

14 February 2024 Spoiler Alert: It’s You

A birch bark heart for Valentine's Day

30 October 2024 Those B00OOOoootunias though!

Add something dark and suspicious to your petunias for a fun Halloween display

12 February 2025 A tendril Valentine connection

A delicate... but robust armature framing a heart space.