Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
A lots of stuff and things
- 20 January 2016
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You get a collection... of objects

a bed of willows

and a sheaf of wheat

a soufflé Clouds (yes really!)

and a bunch of flowers

a tuft of grass

and maybe best of all… a kaleidoscope of butterflies.
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Drill holes in twigs to insert fine sticks to create a delicate armature
Weave grasshoppers or butterflies (or fireflies) from palm leaves
The finish of every design should be flawless. Make sure there are no bits of glue visible in your design by carefully removing all traces of spills.
I wove my bird from shaved wood but you can also use flax, coconut palm (more traditional) or paper or ribbon
My Chameleon is mono-botanical. Made from coiled grass
Favourite Flowers
Related Designs
Beautiful blossoms don’t NEED much to make it into a lovely design. But the start of Spring might just inspire you to add a bit much… just because it makes you happy.
Here are a few more examples of woven flax. I also use Typha, palm, iris leaves, Kyogi paper, boat orchid leaves and aspidistra to weave with.
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