Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Zig zag Palm Dragonfly
- 17 June 2015
- click to send Christine a smile

Split a palm leaf or blade of grass in three, right along the hard vain. You will need two blades for each dragonfly
The body of the dragonfly is made up of the traditional zig zag pattern of a Palm Sunday craft technique to make a lantern. See the Tutorial below for detailed instructions.

Place the two blades together and start the zig zag folding pattern

As you go along, slightly stretch the fold to create a thinner shape

With the body part done split the blade open, letting the softer blades flop over and the two harder veins extend

Fold the blades two to each side...

And tie a bow...
The loops form the wings and the bow ends the legs

Knot the veins once to create the body...

And two knots more for the large head. Cut any dangling pieces short

Cut the stem end at a sharp angle

Palm leaf dragonfly ready to design with
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Weave grasshoppers or butterflies (or fireflies) from palm leaves
My Chameleon is mono-botanical. Made from coiled grass
I wove my bird from shaved wood but you can also use flax, coconut palm (more traditional) or paper or ribbon
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