Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Doing a loop tangle twist
- 25 August 2021
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See what you do is... tie it over here....

and twist...

a loop

a... loop twist tie

Uhmmm… try another loop

okay… now we have a tangle

Well we’ve come this far...
(and it looks rather pretty!)

... we might as well lean into it and add another loop tangle twist but now with a Of Course This Is Exactly How You Are Supposed To Loop Tangle Twist attitude.
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
Wire twigs and wire around a shallow container to keep your floral details suspended in water in a shallow container.
Up-cycle a pot scrubber to get a huge roll of very pretty copper wire
Cut the Phalaenopsis orchid with a bit of green stem attached. This will make them last longer.
A quick solution for a minimal horizontal autumn display -on top of bud vases.
Glue a few twigs into a bundle to hide a corsage magnet
Stack green lily stems to create an upright mechanic to keep shorter stems in place.
Glue the twigs in a container to easily follow the round shape
Stack snippets of grass on a wire frame to make a floating pyramid armature
Cut short bamboo lengths to keep your flower material upright in a shallow and narrow container
Create a sturdy platform from bark to design an entire forest floor on a single foxtail fern frond
The flat surface of a piece of driftwood creates a base to design on
A winter themed centerpiece with a secret water source (without a container or floral foam)
Favourite Flowers
Phalaenopsis, Moth orchid
Related Designs
And of course I would add the environmentally friendly-estest floral design option to top all the rest. Reusable and upcycled... and smells wonderful.
Balancing dried ribbons of foliage to craft a wind twisted floral display.
A tumbling fall leaf design making use of the autumn leaves that are already falling to the ground.
My article and twig boutonniere design featured in the Winter issue of DIY Weddings Magazine
Glue a bunch of twigs inside a container to create a round stack
A Fun Halloween design with "poisonous mushrooms" tucked between the moss and petals
Create a long lasting winter inspired floral design that looks like it is frozen in time.
This was my second two designs for my It's High Time for Tea Floral Craft and Art Demonstration at The Capilano Flower Arranging Club meeting.