Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
But wait… there's more!
- 17 October 2018
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Oooh I wonder… what did you create with your packet of clips???
Tucked into the box with every advance copy of the book the effortless floral craftsman is a packet of clips. I designed and printed these out on Marius’s 3D printer as a fast, secure and convenient way for me to hang my 120 orchids in glass seahorses vertically down a fishing line in my Canada Blooms competition design in 2016. You will see the clips throughout, but in detail, in the video at about 2:35 minutes in. They worked so well and I had so many questions about them at the show that I thought you might like to try some as well…

Wanna hang out?

… join up

… tie up

… be in cahoots?

String along?

Make the scene?
To order your copy of the advance Craftsmanship edition of the book visit my online shop . That’s it… nothing more to it… you will automatically receive your gift packet of 20 clips with every advance book order until the book launch in November. Oh… and huge, huge thank you!
Ps: Want to join in but are not yet ready to order your copy of the book? Tell someone! Tell a few someones. Share the effortless floral craftsman, a floral crafter’s guide to crafting with nature, with your flower friends. My work matters to me. Greatly. And if it has somehow come to matter to you as well… thank you- from my heart. Let’s get together and tell someone. I am a firm believer that a few people who are really passionate about something are way more influential than loads of people who are… well… like totally… “meh”. Are you passionate about all things flower, a trendsetter or trend-sharer who would like to share book details with your flower friends on your blog, website, social media pages or at your club, school or your real life flower friends get-together? Please email me
But wait… there’s more: I will mail two packets of clips to the next person who tells me they either told someone or someone told them about the book. Two packets- so that you both get a packet, you see? Extra points for creativity if you have a picture as proof! Make sure you are signed up for my newsletter so that I have your email address or follow me on social media ( @chris10debeer ) #EffortlessFloralCraftsman so that I can contact you for your mailing address.
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
I designed and printed these clips on a 3D printer as a fast, secure and convenient way to hang water tubes vertically down fishing line.
When you need to keep a tiny stem hydrated this is just what you need. If you can't find a suitable drinking straw... I also have an upgrade: tiny food grade pipe water tubes.
For this tutorial I focus on a simple weave pattern that does not require you to soften or prepare the leaves to be more durable or flexible. This is the starting point in...
Easy way to fill test tubes and easiest way to remove water from a vase
I don't always want to wire my test tubes into the design. I like to create a bit of movement by simply hooking the tubes to gently swing.
Favourite Flowers
Chrysanthemum or "mums"
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