Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Leaves by Hundreds came
- 11 November 2012
- click to send Christine a smile
Remember when...

"October gave a party;

The leaves by hundreds came -

The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,

And leaves of every name.

The Sunshine spread a carpet,

And everything was grand,

Miss Weather led the dancing,

Professor Wind the band."
...? Seems like just last week… My, how time flies when you are having fun!
From “October’s Party” by George Cooper
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Great way to use all the autumn leaves you collect on walks during the season. Slowly build up the leaf rosette and let the leaves dry before adding a few more.
Cut the Phalaenopsis orchid with a bit of green stem attached. This will make them last longer.
Favourite Flowers
Cymbidium, Boat Orchid
Pumpkin tree plant, pumpkin-on-a-stick or pumpkin bush, Japanese golden egg, Chinese scarlet eggplant, Hmong eggplant or tomato eggplant.
Related Designs
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Skewer Dracaena leaves into a roll that supports a tiny water source for the Oncidium orchids
For a softer autumn leaf pod turn the leaves so that the bright side faces in when making the pod.
My Halloween design... with some scary stuff hidden if you can read between the leaves!
An early Spring design with a twist on using an old favourite: composite flowers.
This orchid developed at the very end of a long stem... right as the rest of the flowers started to die back so I made a special armature to display the cut stem.
My Spring/Easter design and the introduction article about my floral journey written by the editor, Nina Tucknott in the latest issue of Flora Magazine.
Beautiful Bletilla striata (Chinese Ground Orchid) deserves it's own elaborate frilly skirt display.
A nod to a summer filled with flowers... and the quite possibly the last of the season flowers still there to be picked.
I am a huge (HUGE!) fan of the original BoutStix magnets and I love the newest wrist corsage magnets as well. And not just for making corsages. I use them for everything. It is a...
Spiral cyclamen foliage around to create a composite flower to showcase the petal-like anthurium flowers.