Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
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- 1 February 2023
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“Isn’t it funny
Day by day
Nothing changes
But when you look
is different”
Quote by CS Lewis
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Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.
Fanned out Tulips for a snowy winter display... that stays just so.
Temporarily adhere a traditional Ikebana Kenzan or pincushion to a shallow container.
It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.
Craft an everything is still growing spring design to celebrate... what we love!
Tulips continue to grow after being cut. Sometimes when you make a very small design or for competition or bridal work you want to minimize growth. The best way to do this is to...
Glue an overgrown thorn armature to a container to display fully opened tulips
so many techniques rolled into one rather pretty tulip nest. Perfect to celebrate new beginnings: Spring and my book birthday... and my online workshop!
Bring in some warmth with a tulip design that still hints at winter
Trap air between two vases to create a third circle... and frame for a small feather hint to a hopeful Spring
Artificial snow can be very "chemical" and flowers deteriorate quickly when exposed to it. It also dissolves in water. I use candle wax as "snow"
A clever almost concealed wire support to keep a single tulip flower upright in a minimal bud design.
Flowers naturally float in water. They just don’t always naturally float on water. For that they sometimes need a bit of help.
Here is a trick to make sure your tulips will condition thoroughly
Wedge snipped twigs into a glass vase to act as a support for your flowers
Tulips continue to grow as they open. This means you not only have to be mindful of their proportions as they are now... but also as they will be once open.
A clever almost concealed wire support to keep a single tulip flower upright in a minimal bud design.
Favourite Flowers
Related Designs
It's the little sun-washed coloured hints that makes you look again to see if you really saw what you thought you saw... yes! There really are signs of autumn everywhere!
A fun way to fan out palm leaves to display some winter pickings
Luxuriously filled design... filled with flowers... filled with grass. But most fun, for us as designers filled with hidden techniques
It's Tulip Season! Perfect for that "it's still winter ... but is that something green I see...?" mood designs.
That good old double vase trick... but this time I deliberately added a bubble between the two layers to create a third circle in the design.
Keeping this tulip upright requires less magic and more hot glue skills... but it looks magical never the less.
Is it better to go Cold Twinkle Turkey and embrace the minimalist living room or rather ease into it?
A delicate winter twig armature to show off the delicate beauty of these early spring coloured tulips.
This is a great "space-keeper" design. The tulip will continue to grow into the vase height as they open... but until then the grass platform part of the design diverts your...