My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Suspend design elements around a poinsettia forest floor display

Draw a basic reindeer outline on cardboard and cut it out.

Draw a basic reindeer outline on cardboard and cut the shape out.

Paint the reindeer black

Paint the reindeer black.

Craft branches from wire and add a few crystals and spray snow

Craft branches from wire and add a few crystals and spray snow...

See the Tutorials below for more detailed instructions on how to add snow and the crystals to a design.

Bind the branches to candles and secure it with hot glue

Bind the branches to candles and secure it with hot glue.

Design tip: this is a great way to protect the candles (especially battery operated candles that will not burn down) so that it is not damaged so that you can use them again.

Spray on more snow

Spray on more snow.

Newsletter subscribers: I wanted to explain a bit more on how I used the placement of my design elements to add to the illusion of lightness but it required a more lengthy explanation and I wanted you to be able to write back if you have a comment or question. Make sure to subscribe, if you are not yet, so that you can receive advance notification of the exclusive tips and join our weekly floral design conversation.

If you want decorate tie a ribbon around the reindeer's neck

If you want decorate tie a ribbon around the reindeer's neck...

I went for a simple scarf tie

I went for a simple glitter scarf tie... but you can decorate it as colourful as your style is.

Test out the placement of the design elements

Test out the placement of the design elements so that everything fits in the display tray with more than enough space for the exquisite green poinsettia flowers.

For more placement tips see this week's Newsletter email.

With a tiny silver bell

Add a tiny silver bell... just for extra jingle...

Add in a few more crystals

Add in a few more crystals.

See the Tutorial below for more detailed instructions.

Tie in any other decorations

Tie in any other decorations- for my design I used the smaller snowflake crystal ornaments from the Swarovski Christmas collection.

Caramelize the milky stem of the flower over a candle.

Caramelize the milky stem of the flower over a candle.

If you are interested in the how and why of conditioning flowers I have an entire section on it in my book. Turn to page 69-110: First Aid for your design elements. It's fascinating!

Glue in tiny water tubes into the display tray

Glue in tiny water tubes into the display tray. See the Tutorial below for an easy way to make your own water tubes.

Again there is a reason why I did this and not simply placed the stem in the water filled display tray. See this week's newsletter email.

Place the stem in the water filled tube

Place the stem in the water filled tube so that it remains hydrated.

Fluff out cotton wool to conceal the water tubes and line the display container with fluffy snow

Fluff out cotton wool to conceal the water tubes and line the display container with fluffy snow.

See the Tutorial below for more detailed instructions on how to fluff out cotton wool.

Glue in the cardboard reindeer

Glue in the cardboard reindeer.

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


8 July 2015 Using a pin to place tiny dew drop crystals

It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.

4 January 2011 Drinking straw "test tubes"

When you need to keep a tiny stem hydrated this is just what you need. If you can't find a suitable drinking straw... I also have an upgrade: tiny food grade pipe water tubes.

27 November 2012 Fluff cotton wool for snow

Cotton balls can be unrolled and fluffed to create long garlands of "snow"

24 December 2020 Chilly Father Christmas making snow angels!

Because even Santa takes out a moment to have some fun on Christmas eve.

11 December 2019 Swirly Twirly Silver Dollar Eucalyptus baubles

Inspired by seedpods... Glue Silver Dollar Eucalyptus leaves into 3 dimensional Christmas decorations.

2 December 2020 Lost and found snow mittens

Artificial snow covered cardboard mittens to add to a winter themed design.

6 December 2017 Fluffy pillow filler tree skirt

The fluffy stuffing found in pillows create beautiful, water repellent tree skirts.

28 December 2016 Adding snow to twigs

Glue artificial snow to twigs

28 December 2016 A bark strip and fluffed cotton disk wreath

Cover a wreath frame with bark strips and fluffed out cotton

14 December 2016 Bark and Cotton Candy Cane

Cover a cardboard shape in cotton and bark to create a floral armature

21 December 2016 Bark Christmas Stocking

Cover a wire frame to create a Christmas stocking armature

4 December 2013 Large wax snowflakes

Artificial snow can be very "chemical" and flowers deteriorate quickly when exposed to it. It also dissolves in water. I use candle wax as "snow"

18 December 2012 Fill hollow bark with test tubes

Glue tiny sections of pipe to the bark to fill as a water source for the fresh flower material

18 November 2020 Foam free and flameless cardboard and bark yule log

Using all those cardboard boxes to craft a bark covered "log" design for getting a head start on Christmas decorating.

Related Designs

30 December 2020 All is Calm, All is Bright

An easy to do ahead of time winter wonderland themed design for the calm days just after Christmas but before New Years Eve.

27 November 2012 The glories of Christmases long, long ago…

Weave a wire and twig Christmas chandelier

11 December 2019 A Very Merry eucalyptus bauble Christmas!

For this year's Christmas tree I wired and glued a wild and wintry twig armature... but... these little eucalyptus baubles are just the cutest!

2 December 2020 Have yourself a Merry Cellulose Fibre Christmas: Lost and Found Snow Mittens

...ok not really that fancy- it’s made from paper pulp. A cardboard box snow mittens… really. In the spirit of 2020- I am inspired by the endless stream of cardboard boxes being...

6 December 2017 While I sing of beauty's treasure

Glue the most delicate twig table top Christmas tree

28 December 2016 A Jingle Cotton Christmas

Cover a wreath frame with bark and cotton for a textured Christmas wreath design

14 December 2016 A Candy(cane) Cotton Christmas

A floral cotton candy cane

21 December 2016 A Gleaming Cotton Christmas

Glue bark to a wire frame to create a Christmas stocking armature

27 November 2019 The struggle is real!

Design 3 looking at How to style with artificial plants and branches using quality faux plants and stems. This week: mistletoe! And also .. give your faux a reason for being...

20 November 2019 Not just a pretty face!

Design 2 of my three week pre-Christmas designing series looking at How to style with artificial plants and branches using quality faux plants and stems. This week: wired branches

18 December 2012 So this is Christmas, I hope you had fun…

Capilano Flower Arranging Club Designing for Christmas Workshop: Yule log

18 November 2020 Have yourself a Merry Cellulose Fibre Christmas: Yule log

...ok not really that fancy- it’s made from paper pulp. A cardboard box Yule log… really. In the spirit of 2020- I am inspired by the endless stream of cardboard boxes being...