My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


13 March 2013 Grass shelter for a glass bubble vase

Weave a shelter around a glass vase

13 March 2013 Clover Knot

Fold a Shamrock or Clover knot for St. Patrick's Day

6 March 2013 Radiating twig and wool collared Bridal Bouquet

Use wool and twigs to create a bridal bouquet

27 February 2013 Ripped Foliage Mesh

Create a delicate mesh over the design

19 February 2013 Manipulating stems: Snapping at an angle, Bending, Spiraling, Curling and Straightening

Most stems, twigs and even sturdier branches can be bend into shapes. It takes practice and more than a bit of patience. The main idea is to slowly manipulate the branch without...

14 February 2013 Petal Hearts

Cover heart shapes with petals

14 February 2013 Sealing floral foam shapes with candle wax to make them water tight

A thin layer of melted wax creates a watertight layer for floral foam

14 February 2013 Casting wet cement to have surface cracks

The goal is to cast the cement in such a way that the surface of the cement dries faster than the sub-surface cement. As the water from the wet cement at the bottom rises it...

6 February 2013 Fold a Foliage Fish

Fold and weave a fish from two blades of grass

30 January 2013 Funnel shaped pick-up-sticks armature

By making a very secure armature, it is possible to stack and suspend loose twigs on top of it building on the stable foundation

30 January 2013 Twig liners for floral cupcakes

Wire a few twigs around wire spirals to cover the test tubes for tiny floral cups

30 January 2013 Weaving ribbon through a twig structure

A great way to dress up baskets or other twig structures