My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


4 September 2013 Weave a heart shaped basket

An easy to assemble open weave basket

28 August 2013 Barely there Mad Hatter's Top Hat

Glue sisal fibers to create a floral top hat

28 August 2013 Unravel Sisal string to get Sisal Fibers

I purchase a huge roll of sisal string to use... sometimes as string, but mostly I unravel it for the fibers

19 August 2013 Knotted and tangled wire heart

A wire armature for delicate flowers

14 August 2013 Haphazard twig Rectangle

Glue a few twigs into a rectangular shape to hang as a space or room devider

7 August 2013 Cherry twig rainbow arch

Glue a few twigs to arch over a upturned container

31 July 2013 Roll small leaf circles

Add a bit of interest in a minimal design with tiny Jasmine foliage

31 July 2013 Ladder-frog

Lash the orchid stems together to create a ladder for the flower to rest on.

24 July 2013 Pinecone and delphinium table top tree

Small tree with fresh flowers

24 July 2013 Wired dangling Jingle bells

Wire the tiny little bells so that they dangle loosely and will jingle with the slightest breeze

17 July 2013 Wooly Stir Stick Bracelet

Bend a coffee stir stick and cover in wool for an easy to wear bracelet

17 July 2013 Chrysanthemum sepals and receptacle

I love using bits of flowers to add interest and texture