Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Wired Foliage Circles
- 20 November 2013
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Bend a section of wire in a circle

Twist the ends to secure.

Split a long leaf to remove the hard vain

Spread floral glue on both leaf halves

Roll the leaf around the wire

Overlap the ends and secure with glue

Glue the other half of the leaf to the inside of the ring

Follow the circle and cover the wire. Press the two leaf-halves to glue to the wire but leave the sides slightly gaping so that the silver wire peaks out at the sides.
See the Tutorial below for instructions on how to completely cover a wire.

Glue the vain bit to the ring...

Wrap it around the ring...

Secure the strip with a knot on the inside

Cut the dangling bit short

Add a few more knots and finish the design
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