My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


16 October 2012 Taco-shaped twig armature

Make a half-moon shaped armature to fill with flowers

8 October 2012 Leafy Autumn Pumpkins

Glue fall leaves to sticks to make small pumpkins

8 October 2012 Fresh vine display tray

Fresh passion fruit vines are coiled to create a tray.

8 October 2012 Mikado Reed Line-up

Creating a good quality armature makes it effortless for you to replace flowers, as they fade, with fresh blooms for an ever changing and long lasting floral design.

1 October 2012 Weaving a ball shaped Dew-drop Catcher from grass

Weave a sphere from grass

22 September 2012 Skeleton Leaves

Remove the pulp from leaves so that only the vain framework remain

22 September 2012 Stiffen and set skeletonized leaves into a whirl

Skeletonized leaves can be shaped while wet to create shapes

22 September 2012 Stir-stick Sunburst

Glue a radiating armature from stir-sticks.

18 September 2012 T- Pin blades of grass

Make a small grass "propeller" by pinning blades of grass into the design

12 September 2012 Wrap a gift test tube with ribbon

Use this technique to gift ribbon wrap a single stem or cover the stems of a bouquet with ribbon

12 September 2012 Infinity fold for storing ribbon

Neatly roll you ribbon to store flat in a drawer

10 September 2012 Braid a Celtic heart knot

Braid or knot a traditional Celtic heart with foliage