Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
This is a great way to use all those bits of twigs and sticks in your design room to make a floral armature
My Chameleon is mono-botanical. Made from coiled grass
This is a great, non permanent way to protect surfaces from damage
Open an arum lily up by rolling the funnel shaped spathe (petal) over
Create a full design without the weight by stabilizing the flowers with glued sticks. This is a great alternative to floral foam.
Give dried hydrangeas (or other dried flowers) a longer stem to make it easier to work with.
Hold a dried hydrangea flower in the palm of your hand to smooth out the folds
Acetate is the clear plastic mostly used for packaging design. It is thicker than cellophane and holds its shape much better.
Wire and glue the driftwood at an angle to balance on a pebble
Soak sisal fibres in strawberry and black berry juice to stain it purple