Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Break pine scales from the cone and glue on a wreath frame to create a continuous pine scale wreath
It is easier to peel a pine cone from the flat side than to try and break the scales from the top
Make a wire wreath frame with wire and cover it with growth mesium or moss to design on
Spiral stems around a Ceropegia woodii or Rosary vine.
When you glue a structure with hot glue there are always a few stray strands of glue stuck all over the design. Blow it away with a hairdryer.
This is a great way to use all those bits of twigs and sticks in your design room to make a floral armature
My Chameleon is mono-botanical. Made from coiled grass
This is a great, non permanent way to protect surfaces from damage
Open an arum lily up by rolling the funnel shaped spathe (petal) over