My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


3 April 2012 Pompon Chrysanthemum, bud and eucalyptus pom-poms

Pompon Chrysanthemums make perfect floral pom-pom beads

3 April 2012 Wire hairpin needle for threading flowers

Hairpin wire needle to pierce flowers.

30 March 2012 Keep pod shaped flowers in bud for longer

Sometimes you want to keep flowers in tight bud for as long as possible to suit your design

30 March 2012 Moss Camouflage

Sometimes you need a pot or vase to look more natural or completely disappear in a design. The easiest way is to cover it with moss or natural growth medium.

29 March 2012 Use a BoutStix Floral Magnet to hang test tubes

This is a fast and easy way to hang test tubes in a design

29 March 2012 Cover test tubes with moss

Make test tubes look a bit less obvious and more natural by covering them with moss.

23 March 2012 Drying Physalis sepals

Every Autumn we see the beautiful Physalis pods everywhere but they are easy to dry and preserve to use year round.

23 March 2012 Curl Equisetum shoots into a snail shell spiral

Equisetum is hollow and jointed resembling miniature bamboo but it can be shaped into spirals by wiring the shoots

23 March 2012 Twig lattice to cover a basket

Make a lattice or grid cover for a basket by pressing sticks through the basket

21 March 2012 Where to cut Tulips to condition

Here is a trick to make sure your tulips will condition thoroughly

21 March 2012 BoutStix Floral Magnets as stabilizing weight for light accessories

Sometimes tiny accessories can be too light to neatly place in a design and needs a bit of weight to stabilize it.

15 March 2012 Paper log stack

I made this log stack from cardboard covered with bark