Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Clover Knot
- 13 March 2013
- click to send Christine a smile
This is a traditional St Patrick's Day craft knot

Knot a Shamrock or Clover

Tape a long blade of grass to a flat working surface

Loop the long grass down

Loop the long leg up and then over, and then under the taped half

Loop the grass back in and under, and then over the taped piece

Loop the leg around the top loop

And over and under the side loop

Loop the leg back up and under and over the side loop

Fold the leg to the other side by looping it around the side loop and then over, under, under under and over the next loops.

Loop the blade of grass back in and over and under and over the loops. Pull the knot tight and open the three clover leaf loops up

Shamrock or Clover knot ready to add to a St. Patrick's Day design
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