My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Frightfully Pretty

OooOOOoooH! Make this Halloween...

Barely there spider web from plant material

AwfUlly deLigHtfUL

Frightfully Pretty floral art design

HoRribLy beAutiFul,

Spanish Moss Spider web design

TErRibly eNchAnting,

Brassia spider orchids and Tillandsia Usneoides

DrEadfUllY lOvely,

Brassia spider orchids

UnSpeAkaBly chArmInG,

Weave a Spanish Moss spider web

TeRrifyInGly aPPealiNg,

Natural spider web from air plants

... and FriGhtFUlly PrEtTy

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


29 October 2014 Spin a Single Strand Spanish Moss Spider Web

Weave a barely there all natural spider web.

18 January 2012 Butterfly feeler hooks for swinging test tubes

I don't always want to wire my test tubes into the design. I like to create a bit of movement by simply hooking the tubes to gently swing.

16 August 2011 Cut spiked flower stems and foliage into short sections

Orchids grow in long flower spikes. It is great to use the entire stem but sometimes you need shorter section. There is a trick to cutting the stems without leaving a visible...

4 January 2011 Drinking straw "test tubes"

When you need to keep a tiny stem hydrated this is just what you need. If you can't find a suitable drinking straw... I also have an upgrade: tiny food grade pipe water tubes.

25 August 2011 Placing orchids in test tubes

Cut the Phalaenopsis orchid with a bit of green stem attached. This will make them last longer.

Favourite Flowers


Spider orchid

Tillandsia Usneoides

Spanish moss, Florida moss, long moss, or graybeard


Chinese lantern, cape gooseberry, Peruvian cherry, Inca berry

Related Designs

23 March 2016 Celebrate!

A closer look at my design at the 20th anniversary of Canada Blooms and The Toronto Flower Show

21 September 2016 I found it this way: Spiderweb design

This was the first design I did in my "I found it this way" floral art demonstration

22 November 2017 How do squirrels Cache a tree?

Hoard a few acorns in the fork of a twig to show off a single oncidium orchid.

23 May 2018 In Summer!

A contemporary cascade of rosary vine and dried petals.

30 October 2019 There once was a bat called Tequila, a Halloween story

An all plant zero waste, levitating, twig (with just a splatter of autumn leaves, a breath of spiderweb and float of roots) Halloween decoration with an eerie bat skeleton made...

22 January 2020 Spacer

Armatures are great (budget friendly) spacers for creating large floral designs without using an enormous amount of your resources.

2 September 2020 Last full Moon of summer

All natural design using the design elements as mechanics.