Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Bark Veneer Cardboard Floral Cake
- 22 January 2013
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Cut a stack of cardboard circles

Mark a slice to cut out

Mark and cut the other cardboard disks

The stack is now ready to glue

Pour and spread wood glue on the first slice

Stack and glue all the slices

Set the slice aside to dry completely

Stack and glue the rest of the cake

Build up the cake layer by layer

Once dry the cardboard cake shape is ready to design with

Glue chips of bark to the cardboard stack

Cover both the top and sides with glue...

and then add the bark

When completely covered set the slice aside to dry

Cover the cardboard cake with glue and add the bark.

Keep adding the bark to cover the entire surface

Set the cardboard cake aside to dry completely before adding Lichen and the rest of the floral details.
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