Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Free Standing Twig and Wire Heart Armature
- 10 February 2016
- click to send Christine a smile

Curve two sturdy wires into a heart shape.

Secure with pliers

Overlap the bottom part of the wires

Twist the wires to secure

Bend the wires open and curve to create two flat legs for the shape to rest on

Add a third wire

Bend the wire in the middle point and curve it round the back to fill out the heart shape

Secure the wire at the binding point

Secure the sides with wire.

Add the last wire. Curve it around the back and secure it to the binding point

Twist the wire to the back and balance the wire armature to stand freely.

Fill in the heart shape with twig snippets.

Start with the thicker twigs and work your way towards thinner ones

Snip the Stillingia stems to only have the delicate stems

Stillingia stems

Glue the Stillingia stems into the armature

Fill in the rest of the heart shape

Add a few delicate twigs to the base
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