Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
This design is all about that line there where the water meets the lemon blossom stem...
Create a sturdy platform from bark to design an entire forest floor on a single foxtail fern frond
Step up the flip-flop design by decorating it with some long lasting succulent flowers. It might look delicate... but these flowers are robust and long lasting.
Paint bamboo husks with strong tea to create a pretty orchid.
Add the design details to the wood... and not to the orchid plant so that it can easily be removed to soak for a long lasting still growing display.
There's no need for a quick and easy summer design to be boring... look closer!
Let me explain myself: it’s got a blue sparkle stinger… or you wouldn’t have noticed the little wasp.
Connect six wreaths to build up a hanging panel to display your flowers on.
An easy to do, budget friendly, craft ahead- use many times floral armature.
A zero waste and sustainable floral design solution to keep your flowers exactly where you want them without using floral foam.
Using the same flower stems, only dry, to craft a grid for the same flowers stems, only fresh
An easy to do and quick to add decorative detail to dress up contemporary floral designs.