My Creative Workbook
Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
18 June 2014
Sticking a stick curve to create a hollowed out crescent armature
An easy way to create a neat curve in a very short time
28 May 2014
Bamboo scaffold armature
Latch a few bamboo pieces together to create a scaffold for the flowers to hang from
21 May 2014
Making dried foliage that has become brittle pliable again
Dried flowers and foliage becomes really brittle over time making it almost impossible to weave into a design without causing damage
14 May 2014
Perking up roses (Please... don't ever do this, anywhere but at home, and only for yourself!)
This trick works really well, but it is a temporary fix to extend the life of drooping roses and is not a substitute for good quality fresh flowers. It is great to know this...
7 May 2014
Secure a pliable stem accross a design
I wanted my Lily of the Valley stem to lean across the design, and simply tied it with grass.