Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Twig Bridal Basket
- 10 September 2014
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Start on the bottom panel of the basket. Cut six long twigs for the length of your basket, and two short twigs for the width of your basket.

The basket will be entirely constructed with dowel connections using approximately 60 bamboo skewers. Select a drill bit that is exactly the same width as the bamboo skewer.

A dowel connection is constructed by first drilling a hole through the two twigs you want to join. Drill through the end of one long twig and one short twig.

Place a small drop of wood glue on a thin bamboo skewer.

Push the skewer through the twigs to spike it together.

Wait for the glue to set and cut the bamboo skewer flush with a sharp knife. You have just created the first dowel connection.

Place the other 5 long twigs next to the first one so that the shorter twig (that is the width of you want your basket to be) rests across the long twigs. Drill through the twigs for joining them.

Glue and spike the twigs.

Do the same on the other side

Cut all the skewers flush once the glue is dry.

For the two side panels, you will need:
4 x twigs cut to the height of your basket
2 x twigs for the handles
18 x twigs for the side panels, cut in pairs that are equally long with each pair shorter than the one before
6 x joining twigs cut to the width of your basket that will be used to join the two side panels

Make the two side panels side-by-side so that you know they are symmetrical. Start by connecting the 4 twigs that will make the height of your basket, and the longest pair of side-panel twigs.

Join the handle twigs and the 2nd longest side-panel twigs. Doing it in this order will give the panels strength.

Join the remaining side panel twigs, working from the longest to the shortest. Wait for the glue to set before trimming all the skewers.

Join the one side panel, to the base of the basket. Wait for the glue to completely dry and do the same with the other side panel

Strengthen the basket by adding another 3 joining twigs per side, connecting the two side panels.

Allow the glue to set and trim all the remaining skewers

Your basket is now ready to design with
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