Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Ripped Foliage Mesh
- 27 February 2013
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Rip any long fibrous leaf (such as typha, flax or cymbidium leaf) into thin strands. See the detail Tutorial below.

Make a small slit in the strand with a pin

Slip a strand through the hole

Add another strand next to the first. Make another slit and slip the strand through.

Continue to add strands to build up the mesh pattern

Make a big enough mesh to drape over the design. Do not cut the foliage ends short.

Drape the mesh over the design and pull the foliage ends through the nest and into the water filled vase. Let the flowers open naturally to enmesh with the ripped foliage mesh.
Follow a tapered foliage pattern (see the detail Tutorial for foliage weaving) to create the tails at both ends.

Taper the mesh to create a tail by folding the long strands in and weaving it back into the mesh pattern.

Pull the strand tighter to create a tapered effect.

Tapered tail of the mesh
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