My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


22 April 2015 Toiling

Convert a dowel stick into a container for delicate flower stems

15 April 2015 Bowled Over

Weave a sphere armature to complement delicate oncidium orchiods

8 April 2015 Just think!

Weave a nest for chocolate Easter eggs

1 April 2015 The Space Between

Traditional Hana-Kubari flower mechanic

25 March 2015 Pulling some Strings

Braid a twig blind armature

18 March 2015 Spring Dreaming

A bowl full of miniature Chrysanthemums

11 March 2015 What is your Currency?

My article and stir stick fan design featured in the Spring issue of DIY Weddings Magazine

4 March 2015 Oh!

Wrap and weave grass to create a rose sphere

25 February 2015 Just So

Twirl a few willow twigs to create a balanced armature to display orchids

18 February 2015 Snail Away

Spiral roll a snail to add to this sunny design

11 February 2015 Love Spell

Weave willow to create a heart shaped wand design

4 February 2015 collywobbles!

Fold foliage butterflies