My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


28 January 2015 In a State of Flow

weave some willow to use as an armature

21 January 2015 Tiptoe through the Tulips

Braid Tulip stems to set in water

14 January 2015 Take a load off

Weave slippers from foliage

7 January 2015 Any Which Way

Using a traditional Ikabana Kenzan to place flowers in a shallow container

31 December 2014 The sound of a kiss

Stack and glue twigs into a table top heart

24 December 2014 Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

A bark Christmas stocking glued to a frame

17 December 2014 Star of Wonder

Glue pine needles into star shapes

10 December 2014 Let It Snow

Use floral foam to create a pine needle cube

3 December 2014 Finding Common Ground

My article and twig boutonniere design featured in the Winter issue of DIY Weddings Magazine

26 November 2014 Late Autumn Early Christmas.

Glue a ground foundation for a late autumn design

19 November 2014 Forest Floor

Glue a autumn leaf rosette armature

12 November 2014 The Thing Is

Use a glue mixture to shape skeleton leaves into a lacy bowl