My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


23 March 2016 Celebrate!

A closer look at my design at the 20th anniversary of Canada Blooms and The Toronto Flower Show

16 March 2016 Creative Expectations

My article and a floral parasol design featured in DIY Weddings Magazine

9 March 2016 Take your time

My article and Japanese paper flower armature design featured in the March issue of The Academy Leader- Academy of Floral Design, published by the The Floral Art Society of New...

2 March 2016 Beginning

Glue a Midelino Cane Coil Globe Cup to display beautiful Gloriosa lilies

24 February 2016 How to make an early Spring

Roll and set willow twigs into a spring

17 February 2016 Where would you put it!?!

Tie a twig armature enclosure for fresh flowers

10 February 2016 Be My Twig-Heart

Glue an upright twig heart for a freestanding Valentine's display

3 February 2016 Connect the dot

Connect snippets of grass to create a shelter for your flowers

27 January 2016 Well, I'll be

Manipulate fresh willow stems to create a sprouting armature for long tulip stems

20 January 2016 A lots of stuff and things

Sticks and twigs create a resting spot for palm and rose butterflies

13 January 2016 Once Upon A Time

Stack and glue a Grass Pyramid Armature

6 January 2016 Hey there

Moss and succulents cover a mask shape to create a woodland inspired mask