My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


31 May 2017 Let's hang out

Skewer some Eucalyptus to suspend between the orchids

24 May 2017 Link

weave a few wreaths to link

17 May 2017 Nobody move!

Weave a small basket with a lid to keep fluffy treasures in

10 May 2017 About a line

Skewer and line up leaves to create an armature

3 May 2017 Oh just...

Braid a few twigs to dance around your flowers

26 April 2017 In no time at all

Hana-Kubari twig armature

19 April 2017 A spongy home for this octopus orchid

An unusual mechanic for a tiny orchid design

11 April 2017 Well… we did it again!

Blossoms and chocolates for Easter

5 April 2017 Easter Bonnet

Weave a delicate Pillbox hat

29 March 2017 A Twirl

Suspend a wire chandelier design to twirl

22 March 2017 Biomimicry

A design demonstration and workshop at the Floral Trends Design group in South Africa exploring how we emulate nature’s best biological ideas to solve our modern day design...

15 March 2017 Wedding Welcome

My article and wedding direction board design featured in DIY Weddings Magazine