My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


13 August 2014 A leg to stand on

Create a upright design by supporting the flowering stems

6 August 2014 A sprinkling of magic fairy dust

Hard to believe but designers are already busy preparing for the Christmas Season. This is my article and design featured in the Inspired Florist, Christmas Edition

30 July 2014 See you around

Weave a few spheres to create a simple design

23 July 2014 Chain of Thought

Knot small stems into decorative chain garlands

16 July 2014 Unraveling fast

Weaving foliage to create a lush water scene

9 July 2014 Us two

Wedge a twig into a container to grow your air plants on

2 July 2014 Clearly contained

Clear containers need clear grids to keep the flowers in place

25 June 2014 Fine Tune

Thread cane through sticks to make a music inspired armature

18 June 2014 Stuck stick

Glue a few sticks to create a hollowed out crescent armature

11 June 2014 To

Make a quick and easy twig disk armature

4 June 2014 All white, just not quite

My article and woven ring basket design featured in the summer issue of DIY Weddings Magazine

28 May 2014 Be Silent And Listen

Lash a few bamboo pieces together to create a scaffold armature