My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


2 September 2015 Hana-Kubari Bamboo Stilts with a Hidden Water Source

Split bamboo stems to create a water source for dancing orchids

26 August 2015 Sun baked Sweetpea vine wreath

A perfect way to use a Lathyrus vine after all it flowered

26 August 2015 Skeleton Hydrangeas

Make skeleton petals from hydrangeas to create blossoms

26 August 2015 Skeleton Hydrangea Petal Blossoms

Use the skeleton petals of hydrangeas to create blossoms

19 August 2015 Bark pod for growing a Pearl Oyster mushroom mini farm

Glue bark to a Papier Maché and wire frame to create a pod shaped armature

12 August 2015 Messy edged basket

Weave a loose basket to display flowers

29 July 2015 Disk Twig Armature

Glue a few wigs to follow the shape of a glass bowl to create a disk armature

15 July 2015 Floating transparent ripples to support delicate floral material

Cut circles out of transparencies to make ripples in the water

8 July 2015 Using a pin to place tiny dew drop crystals

It's sometimes difficult to place a tiny crystal or bead exactly where you want it.

8 July 2015 Overgrown Willow web inspired by a traditional Dream-catcher

I wanted my willow armature to hint of a web-like dreamcatcher that grows in the wild rather than being a precise replica of the traditional craft technique. But I did weave it...