Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Make a continues length of flexible willow to weave or design with by wrapping the delicate stems with thin wire
Loop and tie a few stacked twigs to create an enclosed floral armature
Bend wires and fill in the gabs with Stillingia twigs to make a delicate heart armature
Connect the ends of grass snippets to create a spherical grass armature
Carefully manipulate and bend green willow stems to place in water to sprout as an armature for tulips to mature and open
Drill holes in twigs to insert fine sticks to create a delicate armature
Stack snippets of grass on a wire frame to make a floating pyramid armature
Cover a mask shape with moss and succulents for a long wearing mask
Release the soothing effect of the aroma and vapors from the Eucalyptus leaves my slightly crushing it while making roses