Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Making the waist corsage using the BoutStix Floral Magnets
- 16 November 2011
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Cut a thin slice of Rainbow Oasis to carve as the base for the corsage design.

Cut the elongated heart shape out of the Oasis

Smooth the edges by sanding it with bits of leftover Oasis

Trace the heart shape on to cardboard for the back of your design. Cut out.

Hollow out a cavity at the back of the Oasis for the BoutStix Floral Magnets. The BoutStix Floral Magnet stick part works really well as a carving tool!

Fit the BoutStix Floral Magnet into the cavity.

Glue the paper to the foam to cover the magnet. Spread glue on both the Oasis and the paper. Set aside for a few seconds and glue.

Your magnet base is now ready to design with.

I used 7 small Echeveria plants for my design. Snip the rosette shaped leaves and glue it to the shape.

Continue to add leaves. Follow the shape of the foam to create a natural looking design.

Cover the foam with leaves and make sure the sides are very secure and won't break away from the design. Add the other magnet.

Drape angel hair tinsel softly over the design for visual contrast.

Secure the tinsel with a few sparkling beads.
Your corsage is now ready to wear. The Echeveria corsage will last for weeks (if not longer) Because of the foam base it is also very likely that the leaves will root after a while and can then be planted.
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I wanted my beads to softly float above my snowball posy. If I glued the beads to some of the flowers it would just disappear in the mass of twigs and flowers.
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