My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


30 May 2018 You see... here is the Thing:

Glue a grass snippet grid for shallow container design

23 May 2018 In Summer!

A contemporary cascade of rosary vine and dried petals.

16 May 2018 It goes like this...

Gently curve plant material.

9 May 2018 What is the meaning of this?

Create a minimal design with a few leaves to keep is all upright.

2 May 2018 Over the rainbow

Craft a radiating design that suspends from the orchid stems

25 April 2018 Get in line!

Line up a few pussy willow twigs for a hanging armature

18 April 2018 Swing Vine

Weave a delicate vine swing to nestle a small vase with spring flowers in

11 April 2018 Follow the line

Stack a few glass containers and fill each with water to a different level.

4 April 2018 Grow on it

Wedge twigs into a vase to create a grid.

28 March 2018 Walking on eggshells

Fill eggshells with moss to create an upright container... with a surprising balancing trick.

21 March 2018 Bring some Spring

Just like the weather is only hinting at spring, so is this design only hinting at being a basket

14 March 2018 Old, new trends

My article and willow birdcage design for wedding rings featured in DIY Weddings Magazine.