My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


12 April 2011 Intimate Dinner For Two- Table Setting Competition Class

Floral Sushi Dinner, for two

12 April 2011 "On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... two turtle doves"

Flax Christmas tree "cake" for the Floral Trends Design Group end of the year function.

12 April 2011 Oh, What Twisted Tales We Weave

"What Twisted Tales We Weave" design 2010 Floral Trends Design Group, South Africa.

11 April 2011 Flower Festival: Methodist Church Hall, Durbanville, South Africa

Six wall designs staged for the Durbanville Flower Club Flower Festival.

11 April 2011 Glass

A small pane of glass connects the top and the bottom of the design

11 April 2011 Kitchen Garden

Kitchen Garden Design. South African Horticultural Society Show 2009

11 April 2011 Veiled Sunshine:50th Anniversary of the South African Orchid Society at the Cape Town Convention Centre.

Bright and sunny cymbidium orchids and roses, lilies, lisianthus and pincushions

10 April 2011 Simplicity

Durbanville FlowerClub Arrangement: Chincherinchee on a wire spiral

10 April 2011 Feeling Funky

I wove vine wreaths to form a pyramid, one just slightly larger than the next. In the natural cavities between the wreaths I placed the roses and lisianthus in plastic covered...

9 April 2011 Mud!!! Floral Art Demonstration at the Rondebosch Flower Club, Cape Town, South Africa

So much goes into one stage design that I thought it would be worthwhile to break up the design elements and explore each in more detail.

9 April 2011 Vanilla

Vanilla Design for the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa

8 April 2011 Large Open Weave Twig Basket

Easter Basket used in the Durbanville Flower Club Easter Parade Demonstration