Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
This is a detailed look at my third Floral Fable design. When you design, every detail you add matters and the smallest element can change the design completely.
This is a detailed look at my second Floral Fable demonstration design
This is a detailed look at my first Floral Fable demonstration design
I did a Floral Art demonstration at The Capilano Flower Arranging club. Over the next few weeks I will show the designs in detail and add the design tutorials. This week I’ll...
This was my design for The Capilano Flower Arranging Club workshop. We were exploring designs using all things edible: fruit, vegetables and a bit of herbs.
Instead of weaving a platter try stacking the twigs from large to tiny small
Time Saving Tips and Article in the Canadian Florist Magazine
My design entered for evaluation at the Floral Trends Design Group meeting in South Africa
I wrote this article for Wedding Business Success (an online meeting place for the wedding industry) exploring a positive way of looking at creativity and... stealing!
The design drips down in three tiers each celebrating life, love and connection.