My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Midolino heart armature standing on Hana-Kubari legs

Secure two long pieces of Middollino with bind wire

Secure two long pieces of Midolino with bind wire

Knot the Midolino and bring one leg down and secure with bind wire

Knot the Midolino and bring one leg down and secure with bind wire

Fold the other leg down and secure

Fold the other leg down and secure

Glue in a few cross cane pieces to create a smaller open surface inside

Glue in a few cross cane pieces to create a smaller open surface inside. These cross pieces help support the flowers and keep it from dropping into the water below the armature. I use butterfly hair-clips to hold the cane while the glue dries. See the Tutorial below

Set aside the heart shaped armature for the glue to dry completely

Set aside the heart shaped armature for the glue to dry completely

Split the cane

Cut a few cane legs. They should be as long as you want the armature to be lifted out of the water. Split the cane at one end to create the Hana Kubari inspired legs.

Splitting the cane creates a natural clamp. This traditional Ikebana technique is called Hana-Kubari (pioneered by the Japanese Artist Keita Kawasaki).

The split in the cane

Open up the split in the cane to slip over the cane in the heart shape armature

Clamp the armature with the cane legs.

Clamp the armature with the cane legs

Clamp another leg.

Clamp another leg.

Place a small drop of glue on each clamp and set aside to dry

Place a small drop of glue on each clamp and set aside to dry

Place the armature in a shallow container.

Place the armature in a shallow container...

Fill the container with water

... fill the container with water

Cut the flower stems short and place it in the armature

Cut the flower stems short and place it in the armature

Make sure the stems are in the water

Make sure the stems are in the water

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


18 January 2012 Butterfly hairclip claws to hold twigs in place while glue dries

Butterfly hair clips are the perfect little claws to help you hold tiny items in place while you wait for glue to dry

Related Designs

15 January 2014 Love at second sight

This is my article that I wrote for the Valentine's Design Issue of Canadian Florist Magazine

14 February 2024 Spoiler Alert: It’s You

A birch bark heart for Valentine's Day

12 February 2025 A tendril Valentine connection

A delicate... but robust armature framing a heart space.