Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Making a parasol
- 19 October 2011
- click to send Christine a smile

Cut short sections of wooden slats and start to glue them with wood glue into a circular shape.

Continue adding a second layer to create a middle point for the parasol

Finish the middle point with a decorative cross hatch

Glue on five wooden peg supports for the floral parasol

Set the structure aside to dry completely before staining it green to blend in with the dried flax string

Start weaving the flax onto the parasol wood

The first weaving pattern creates the inner circle. Weave under and then around the wood. Creating a flat weave with a cross at the back

Continue this weaving pattern for about a third of the flax string

To create a curve or a dome in the parasol reverse the weaving pattern. Hook the string over the wood to cross over itself in front of the wood with a flat section at the back.

Add the chopsticks handle and wire in test tubes before designing with the plant material.
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