My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Floral Trends Design Group Opening Demonstration: 2010

Old and New
Pieter Coetzee opened the morning with a slide show discussing the Old of floral art over the past 50 years in South Africa- documenting his own work and looking at designers we all know from the Western Cape, South Africa.

Floral Trends Design Group Opening Demonstration: 2010

It was amazing to be able to map out the proud floral art history in South Africa

After that I followed with a demonstration of what I expect will be New for 2010.
Focusing mainly on Environmental issues, Trends and Social influences.

Floral Art Demonstration "2010" by Christine de Beer

For my demonstration I made four designs.

Floral Art Demonstration 2010 2

The first design was Phalaenopsis orchids in plastic pipes in the shape of a "2". It was all about what design trends can be expected and how Turquoise will become a prominent design colour for 2010.

Floral Art Demonstration 2010 0

My first "0" was made up of various types of roses in glass bottles on a grape vine wreath. The design represented the continuation of the colour Pink (in all its shades, tints and tones) as it now goes mainstream. I also explained easy ways a designer can follow and even predict what colours will be trendy.

Floral Art Demonstration 2010 1

My "1" was dedicated to all things green- from sustainable flower trends to environmental issues. It was made from closed bud lilies and woven lily grass.

Floral Art Demonstration by Christine de Beer

My last "0" was all about the 2010 Soccer World Cup hosted in South Africa and how the excitement will influence our design year. The design was made from thousands of tiny reed sections that I glued in the shape of a soccer ball and detailed with miniature Anthuriums and Acorns (many people believe carrying an acorn in your pocket will bring you luck- so this was my "Good Luck" South Africa design)

This design was the first time I demonstrated my drinking straw test tubes.

Floral Art Demonstration

The Floral Trends Design Group Old and New Demonstration

Floral Art Demonstration 2010 at the Floral Trends Design Group in South Africa

"2010" Demonstration

Photographs after my 2010 demonstration in Cape Town, South Africa

Floral Art Demonstration 2010

Floral Art Demonstration "2010" by Christine de Beer

Floral Trends Design Group Opening Demonstration

Christine de Beer Floral Trends floral Art demonstration

"2010" Demonstration at The Floral Trends Design Group opening

Detail of the designs for the 2010 demonstration

Detail of the designs for the 2010 demonstration

Favors for the Floral Trends Design Group members in the shape of cardboard mushrooms

To wish all the members a Wonderful 2010 I made cardboard mushrooms filled with relaxing lavender bath salt as favors.

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


4 January 2011 Drinking straw "test tubes"

When you need to keep a tiny stem hydrated this is just what you need. If you can't find a suitable drinking straw... I also have an upgrade: tiny food grade pipe water tubes.

1 November 2011 Weaving a twig wreath

For my design I wanted the wreath to look wind blown so I added a few loosely woven twigs into the weave. I also wanted to emphasize the autumn colours so I added a twirling...

8 June 2011 Foliage Weaving

For this tutorial I focus on a simple weave pattern that does not require you to soften or prepare the leaves to be more durable or flexible. This is the starting point in...

Favourite Flowers


Phalaenopsis, Moth orchid






Anthurium, Tailflower, painters palette, Flamingo flower

Related Designs

15 January 2010 Cardboard mushrooms filled with Lavender Tub-Tea

Cardboard mushrooms filled with Lavender Tub-Tea made for my "2010" demonstration

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