Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
A bit of a rethink as the season is getting ready to change. How can I give my design idea a fresh twist?
Pull tab support for "canned" Calla lilies and bunny-tail grass.
Weave a web of jasmine vine to support orchid stems
A bottom to the top... top to the bottom support to help keep your summer flowers hydrated.
Easy support for a single flower... and knot a special secret admirer just to keep it company.
A easy going summer design that makes full use of the imperfections you harvest from your cut garden.
Ah... yes summer time designing. Anyone else seeing more insects hiding between the petals this year?
My Floral Hurricane design entry for the BC Floral Art Society mini show competition
It deserves a bowl all of it's own... right? I am (of course!) talking about these spectacular little sweet peas called King Tut. Not much else is needed. But add a cute little...