My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


3 May 2023 Spring Row

Viola and chives cleverly dancing upright in a row.

26 April 2023 Oh So Me

Snip and grow willow to create a Spring new growth support for your tall flower stems.

19 April 2023 Short Cut

A tiny carry basket to gather the shortest stems from your cutting garden... with a place for water and your cutters.

12 April 2023 The word we are looking for is… fun

A leaning twig armature with both the first signs of Spring and the last signs of winter.

5 April 2023 Where do you even start looking?

Easter egg... egg for Easter eggs

29 March 2023 To grow a patch of grass of our very own

The first of my new monthly articles about growing the material you need to design with. This month we are taking stock of what we need... and growing wheatgrass.

22 March 2023 ... and just like that we spiral back to... Spring!

A spring spiral design... with a hint of a root nest. Easy to do

15 March 2023 Hop… Lots!

Beautiful blossoms don’t NEED much to make it into a lovely design. But the start of Spring might just inspire you to add a bit much… just because it makes you happy.

8 March 2023 And now we wait

A bit of flower magic to get a few early blossoms to enjoy inside.

1 March 2023 … ish

An early... ish Spring basket glued from blossom twigs

22 February 2023 Jump out at you

Early iris flowers in a bud vase.

15 February 2023 If you frame it that way…

A blossom frame to display the prettiest anthurium of the whole bunch!