My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Prevent teeth marks on soft wire when you bend it with pliers

Prevent teeth marks on wire

Even long nose pliers without grooves still damage soft aluminum wire.

Band aid for your pliers

Cover the pliers teeth with the smallest band aid plasters, pad side in.

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


13 October 2011 Spiral Wire Cages

The cage spirals to form a basket that wrap around the plump ripe berries (or you can slip in a flower) to hang as connections between the twigs.

Related Designs

13 October 2011 Direct Contrasts

I have always been fascinated, as a designer, by the idea that there is a point when extremes or direct contrasts flip into its opposite.

12 April 2011 Oh, What Twisted Tales We Weave

"What Twisted Tales We Weave" design 2010 Floral Trends Design Group, South Africa.

19 February 2011 Crossing Boundaries

Twig waterfall creates the boundary between the "under" and the "over" of the design. Tutorial: How to cover test tubes with Rainbow Oasis

7 February 2012 Grow Love

Love grows!

28 February 2012 Design-time saving tip sheet for a demanding Mother’s Day

Time Saving Tips and Article in the Canadian Florist Magazine

22 May 2013 Avoiding Decision Fatigue

This is my article that I wrote for the Bridal Design Issue of Canadian Florist Magazine

8 January 2014 It's stick season!

Snap and stack an glue a few twigs to create a lace like armature

1 October 2014 Treasured Treasure

Twist a flat top wire ring to wear the treasures of Autumn