My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


22 March 2011 Tiny Note books

Binding books with a paper band

21 March 2011 Serviette rings

Create a serviette ring from fall leaves, acorns, wire and tissue paper

20 March 2011 Butterfly Net

You will need wire, a short stick, twig, dowel or bamboo and net.

19 March 2011 Melting Wax for Floral Art

For Floral Art the temperature of the wax rarely exceeds the minimum melting point.

18 March 2011 Reed Hourglass

Glue small sections of Mikado Reeds into a hour glass shape

18 March 2011 The Floral Hourglass Wax Foundation

Pour a foundation from cardboard and wax

18 March 2011 Made to fit carrier to transport the wax shape foundation

Although the wax is strong it is also soft and can easily be damaged. I make carriers for my wax shapes so that it doesn't damage in transit.

14 March 2011 Making a Wax bowl using a mould

Dip shapes into wax to create a bowl

13 March 2011 Wire and bend Equisetum

Create lasting shapes by wiring Equisetum

10 March 2011 Hot Glue nest

Place a plate under your hot glue gun to catch drips when you work. You can use these drops of dried glue later in designs

8 March 2011 Cover fruit with wax

Dipping red grapes in pale wax creates a cloudy layer that is not only anti-bacterial (prevents fruit from spoiling and releasing the ethylene gas) but also gives depth and...

3 March 2011 Reflex Tulip Petals

Tulip petals can be opened or reflexed to create a fuller bloom