Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Mud!!! Floral Art Demonstration at the Rondebosch Flower Club, Cape Town, South Africa
- 9 April 2011
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So much goes into one stage design that I thought it would be worth while to break up the design elements and explore each in more detail.
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Favourite Flowers
Granadilla, passionflower, passion vines
Phalaenopsis, Moth orchid
Shiitake Mushrooms
Related Designs
Flowery nest desmonstration
When I demonstrate I focus on sharing the art of contemporary floral design, as I see it.
I prefer not to drape fabric over or hide my designs behind a screen before a demonstration. Instead I create a "diversion" that will capture the audience's interest.
I needed the wreath to be as light as possible to make sure it would "dance in the rain" on the flexible metal stand.
When I started researching mud as a possible enhancement to contemporary floral art I was thoroughly inspired by the possibilities.
Weaving hot glue spider webs
Because it was my birthday I wanted to give the audience each a slice of birthday cake to celebrate with me. For obvious reasons I settled on dark chocolate Mud Pies.