My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

and to share with your Flower Friends on your birthday?

This was my Mud!!! Floral Art Demonstration at the Rondebosch Flower Club.

"Anyone who thinks that sunshine is pure happiness has never danced in the rain"

Mud pie

Mud Pies (of the edible, 100% dirt free variety).

Because it was my birthday I wanted to give the audience each a slice of birthday cake to celebrate with me. For obvious reasons I settled on dark chocolate Mud Pies.
I tied my birthday Mud pie baskets and serviettes to the theme of the morning with the added extra of hinting to autumn (and the rainy season) starting in South Africa by using Canadian (where we are now living) elements such as the maple leaves, maple syrup candy and all the images in the slide show was from Canadian fall scenes.

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


23 March 2011 Mud Pie baskets

I made the baskets from plastic cupcake cups.

6 September 2011 Autumn leaf Roses

I used to make baskets full of these when I was a little girl. We had a big Acasia thorn tree and I used to spear my “roses” onto the tree pretending I was the fairy responsible...

Related Designs

9 April 2011 Mud!!! Floral Art Demonstration at the Rondebosch Flower Club, Cape Town, South Africa

So much goes into one stage design that I thought it would be worthwhile to break up the design elements and explore each in more detail.

5 April 2011 Mud!!! Floral Art Demonstration at the Rondebosch Flower Club

My demonstration looked at ways to use mud to enhance floral art.