Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Mud Proverbs
- 5 April 2011
- click to send Christine a smile
This was my Mud!!! Floral Art Demonstration at the Rondebosch Flower Club.
Where does mud come from? From dancing in the rain

I prefer not to drape fabric over or hide my designs behind a screen before a demonstration. Instead I create a "diversion" that will capture the audience

For this demonstration I draped beaded copper wire in long garlands from wire covered with willow, down the wreath with "mud" proverbs from all over the world.

I tied the wires onto a curled wire covered in rolled willow to create a proverbs wire. This way I could remove the willow wire with all the dangling "raindrops" and mud proverbs easily, all at once, just as the music starts and I start to demonstrate my design.
For this design I also covered my test tubes and dressed the plant and wire stand with willow to tie the details.
As back ground sound (while the audience entered and settled) I played a recording of thunder and rain to create the impression that the beads are tiny drops of water running down the wood onto the ground creating…. Mud… glorious puddles of mud… During the demonstration I played whimsical music that makes you want to dance in the rain. After the demonstration I again played the sounds of rain.
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Related Designs
So much goes into one stage design that I thought it would be worthwhile to break up the design elements and explore each in more detail.
My demonstration looked at ways to use mud to enhance floral art.