My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


5 April 2011 Flower Festival, Methodist Church Hall, Durbanville, South Africa: Floral Kneelers

As a club we always include one group project in large Flower Festivals.

4 April 2011 "A New Age" Child's Midnight Meander (Avatar)

A New Age Child's Midnight Meander

4 April 2011 its a wrap!

Banana leaves used to wrap flowers instead of Tissue paper or Cellophane

3 April 2011 Bark Wreath

I needed the wreath to be as light as possible to make sure it would "dance in the rain" on the flexible metal stand.

3 April 2011 One Singular Sensation

Three Lilies plaited to create a sensational, singular flower "growing" out of a Equisetum dome filled with Rainbow Oasis pebbles.

1 April 2011 The Plant Material used in the Demonstration

I wanted my design to feature mostly growing plants- creating a natural display on the supernatural wreath.

30 March 2011 Mud!!!

When I started researching mud as a possible enhancement to contemporary floral art I was thoroughly inspired by the possibilities.

28 March 2011 Spider web covering the design with drops of glittering rain

Weaving hot glue spider webs

23 March 2011 and to share with your Flower Friends on your birthday?

Because it was my birthday I wanted to give the audience each a slice of birthday cake to celebrate with me. For obvious reasons I settled on dark chocolate Mud Pies.

18 March 2011 SHAPE

Chrysanthemum Hourglass

14 March 2011 MOULD

A mould is a hollow container or profile used to give shape to molten or hot liquid material as it cools and hardens.