Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Flower Festival: Methodist Church Hall, Durbanville, South Africa
- 11 April 2011
- click to send Christine a smile
This was a Flower Show staged by the Durbanville Flower Club.
I was incredibly fortunate to have two really talented ladies (and great flower friends) in my design team to help me with the six wall designs.

"Goodness": Vine wreath with bear grass, apples and roses

Working on our Goodness design.

"Faithfulness": a rose, asparagus fern and bear grass heart shaped design inspired by the shape of a wedding bouquet

"Faithfulness" with Emily Harper

"Self Contentment": Flax, vine , roses and asparagus fern staged with Emily Harper

"Joy": moss, bamboo, roses and lilies

"Joy" with bamboo, lilies and roses

Working on our "Peace" design with Maureen Savage.

"Togetherness" with Maureen Savage
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