Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Wire dried pepper berries to a wreath with super fancy flat wire (okay... it's the humble wire from a copper pot scrubber but it still looks fancy!)
The dry wheat stems are suspended from the outside of the container so that they remain dry and the flower stems can gently rest inside to remain hydrated.
A wire and twig permanent display basket with tiny water sources for a few fresh flowers that can be replaced as needed.
Hang the arum lilies from the edge of a container to support all the other floral details.
Craft an arch armature to display those early autumn treasures.
Exploring two soaking techniques for a subtle early autumn design
oh yes, a light an airy design showing off those very first autumn leaves.
A quick-to-do-but-looks-impressive way to display a beautiful cut garden vine for an effortless summer design.