Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Wooly Stir Stick Bracelet
- 17 July 2013
- click to send Christine a smile

Soak the stir stick in warm water

This makes the wood pliable and easier to bend

Place the tip of the wet stir stick into a cup

Gently bend and work your way around the cup so that the tick follow the curve

Work slowly so that the twig does not snap

Continue to make as many stir stick bracelets as what you need

Set aside to dry completely. This sets the stir stick into the new curved shape
To wrap the stir stick bracelet in wool:

Paint a small drop of glue on the end of the curved stir stick.

Wrap the wool over the end of the stick
This is similar to the technique used to cover test tubes with ribbon. See Tutorial below

Fold the wool to the side at a sharp angle

And start to wrap the wool around the stir stick to cover the wood

Continue to wrap...
... and wrap... and wrap. Add a few drops of glue to secure the wool to the wood as you go along.

When you reach the other end of the stir stick place a bit of glue on the end and fold the wool up...

... and over the stir stick

Add a bit of glue and wrap the wool around the end of the stir stick

When the end is covered knot the wool on itself. Pull the knot tight and continue to wrap the stir stick all the way to the other side to give it a second layer of wool to cover the wood completely.

When you reach the end knot the wool tightly...

Place a drop of glue on the knot and cut the dangling wool bit short

Wrap and cover as many stir stick bracelets as needed.

Set the covered bracelets aside for the glue to dry completely

Three wool covered stir stick bracelets ready to design with
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Cut the plastic, sand and wrap with ribbon
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